Freitag, 4. Februar 2011


Watching this once is a must for every meat eater. This makes you think about where your food comes from, and if you really want to be eating meat from which you do not know, how it was produced. Also keeping Pets is not as "nice" as it is often seen.
For the facts watch these :

The end of the line

The end of seafood by 2048?

(taken from :

Scientists predict that if we continue fishing as we are now, we will see the end of most seafood by 2048.
The End of the Line chronicles how demand for cod off the coast of Newfoundland in the early 1990s led to the decimation of the most abundant cod population in the world, how hi-tech fishing vessels leave no escape routes for fish populations and how farmed fish as a solution is a myth.
The film lays the responsibility squarely on consumers who innocently buy endangered fish, politicians who ignore the advice and pleas of scientists, fishermen who break quotas and fish illegally, and the global fishing industry that is slow to react to an impending disaster.
The End of the Line points to solutions that are simple and doable, but political will and activism are crucial to solve this international problem.
We need to control fishing by reducing the number of fishing boats across the world, protect large areas of the ocean through a network of marine reserves off limits to fishing, and educate consumers that they have a choice by purchasing fish from independently certified sustainable fisheries.

This underlines the importance of sustainable fishing and the planning for the future. Out of pure greed humans do everything to make profit, and if this means that over-fishing is necessary most companies will not hesitate.