Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

Effect of Military Sonar on Whales and Dolphins

Every year the Military (especially the US) practices tests with their boats and submarines, using sonar to detect the submarines. It has been proven by different experiments that the sonar has an effect on dolphins and whales.

Their brains are very sensitive to sound, and the sonar used by the military causes their jaw bones to vibrate, and the fat tissue which is found in this bone, which is closely linked with the blood-vessels causes the fat to enter the blood stream. This then travels through the body, clotting up capillaries, causing them to burst. This then causes internal bleeding. 
Also the dolphins and whales are scared of the loud noises and try to flee. This causes them to swim close to the shore, and also causes them to surface too fast, which causes gas bubbles in the blood stream. These also block the blood stream, and cause more capillaries to burst, and cause more internal bleeding.

The sonar is therefore a painful and horrible death for hundreds of whales and dolphins. It is assumed that the animals strand themselves in order to escape the pain that the sonar causes. But the US military is refusing to take any of the blame, claiming to not have done any sonar testing those days. The US is refusing to support further research in the area, and the military is not willing to speak about it, and refuse interviews. They blame the unusual events on the full moon.

The main issue found is the unknowingness of people about this issue. 


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