Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Its just an animal...

Have you ever considered how large the international black market for wildlife is?
Medicine, food, cosmetics, entertainment, fashion... its all at a cost for the animals.

The Skin Trade:
In Rantau Prapat Sumatra workers slaughter and skin hundreds of reptiles that are brought to them by trappers. First the workers kill or stun the animals with a blow to the head. Then they fill their bodies with water or air as this allows them to gut and skin the animals more easily. The skins are then sold for the productions of boots and purses, while some internal organs are sold to China (medicine purposes). The scale of these businesses is often not realized, but this is industrialized wild life trade.

Tiger Farm Show:
At the Xiongsen tiger and bear park in China keeps more then 300 bears, and 1300 tigers. It has also been revealed that the park has been illegally selling tiger meat in their restaurant (found by DNA testing). It is being assumed that some of these so called zoos are stockpiling the tigers in case laws lift, in order to allow trade with the endangered animals. 

Bluefin tuna has been endangered for a while, due to overfishing for sushi. But even now, the market is not stopping to harvest the tuna, even though conservationists suggest that the tuna is given a recovery phase. But their extinction is most likely very near. 
Every day tuna is brought to the fish market in tuna, where the finned, and skinned tuna is laid out for sale. In 2009 a tuna sold for over 180 000 dollars. 
"But overfishing makes sense to dealers:the fewer tuna there are, the higher the price they fetch" 
Due to human greed for money, we are putting some of the worlds already endangered species at risk of extinction. 

Harvesting Shrimps:
Shrimps are caught in trawl nets, which are dragged along the ocean floor, catching anything in its way. It also destroys things such as coral which often take years to regrow. 
After about an hour of fishing, a fisher will have about one hand full of shrimps, and 5 kg of other species are caught unintentionally are dumped back into the ocean as rubbish. And this is only a small fisher by itself. 

Also about 100 million sharks are killed in gill-nets that stretch for hundreds of meters through the oceans. 


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